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来源:http://pashaishaji.com/   发布时间:2022-02-25


The edge guardrail is a foundation pit excavated according to the construction direction of the foundation, the elevation of the foundation and the plane size of the foundation. It is mainly used for laying foundation. Generally, people in the industry know more about the retaining structure of the foundation pit, which is sometimes interpreted as: the construction foundation pit connected with the column has maintenance effect, about 1.2m high and 2m long, with warning signs.
黄色黑色或红色白色警示色,基坑边护栏,您需要知道基坑边缘护栏的施工方法:① 现场浇筑基础,人工开挖基坑。对于不能人工开挖的岩石部分,请用风镐或气枪钻浅孔,辅以弱爆破,开挖上部土坑壁和边坡,下部岩坑壁垂直。
Yellow, black or red, white warning color, guardrail at the edge of foundation pit. You need to know the construction method of guardrail at the edge of foundation pit: ① cast foundation on site and excavate foundation pit manually. For the rock part that cannot be excavated manually, please drill shallow holes with air pick or air gun, supplemented by weak blasting, excavate the upper soil pit wall and slope, and the lower rock pit wall is vertical.
The slope of foundation pit excavation depends on the foundation, and the size of foundation pit shall conform to the outline of foundation pit. Before installing the concrete foundation, check the size, plane direction, flatness and compactness of the foundation pit in time, and then continue the foundation construction. Foundation inspection: check the concealed works of foundation pit before grouting foundation concrete.
Edge guardrail
There are five kinds of edge environments: one is around ditches, pits and ditches with excavation depth of more than 2m; Second, there is no external scaffold around the roof, frame and structural floor; The third is the surrounding grid, scaffold, gantry, external elevator and building ground passage, upper and lower runways and inclined roads; The fourth is around the fence, railing, balcony and material platform not installed, and the fifth is on the side of the construction stairs.
The edge guardrail is composed of mesh grid and riser grid, and can also be divided into embedded column and non embedded column. During construction, the construction shall be carried out in strict accordance with the standard operation of the sidebar. Yellow black or red white skirting lines are set at the bottom of the foundation pit enclosure, and the warning words of no throwing and no crossing are sprayed to remind the construction personnel to be careful in the dangerous area and not to be careless.