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来源:http://pashaishaji.com/   发布时间:2024-05-10


What are the requirements for railing height in different application fields?

快盈500个人主页  临空高度在24m以下时,栏杆高度不应低于1.05m等。

快盈500个人主页When the aerial height is below 24m, the height of the railing should not be less than 1.05m, etc.


1. Industrial buildings:


a. For those with an altitude of less than 20 meters, the height of the protective railing shall not be less than 1050mm.

快盈500个人主页  b、临空高度≥20米的,防护栏杆高度不得低于1200mm。

快盈500个人主页b. If the height above the ground is ≥ 20 meters, the height of the protective railing shall not be less than 1200mm.


快盈500个人主页2. Civil buildings:

快盈500个人主页  a、临空高度<24米的,防护栏杆高度不应低于1050mm。

a. For those with an altitude of less than 24 meters, the height of the protective railing should not be less than 1050mm.

快盈500个人主页  b、临空高度≥24米的,防护栏杆高度不应低于1100mm。

b. If the height above the ground is ≥ 24 meters, the height of the protective railing should not be less than 1100mm.


c. The height of the railing on the accessible roof and the adjacent open atrium of public buildings should not be less than 1200mm.



d. The height of protective railings in daycare centers and kindergartens should not be less than 1300mm.


3. Indoor stairs and escalator railings:

快盈500个人主页  a、室内非临空楼梯、扶梯防护栏杆高度不得低于900mm。

快盈500个人主页a. The height of protective railings for indoor non air facing stairs and escalators shall not be less than 900mm.

快盈500个人主页  b、室内临空楼梯、扶梯以及室外楼梯的栏杆高度按上面1、2两条的要求设置,且不得低于1100mm。

b. The height of indoor air stairs, escalators, and outdoor stairs railings shall be set according to the requirements of the first and second lines above, and shall not be less than 1100mm.


The style of the railing


快盈500个人主页Iron railing: Insert flat iron and barbed iron parts into the reserved holes on the base, and fill them with cement mortar or fine aggregate concrete slurry for consolidation.

快盈500个人主页  木栏杆:以榫接为主,若为望柱,则应将柱底卯入楼梯斜梁,扶手再与望柱榫接。可采用现浇或预制的钢筋混凝土板和钢丝网水泥板,也可用砖砌,室内的还可考虑使用钢化玻璃和有机玻璃等。

Wooden railing: mainly mortise and tenon joint. If it is an observation column, the bottom of the column should be mortise and tenon into the inclined beam of the staircase, and the handrail should be mortise and tenon joint with the observation column. Cast-in-situ or prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs and steel wire mesh cement slabs can be used, as well as brick masonry. Tempered glass and organic glass can also be considered for indoor use.


快盈500个人主页Stone railing: Made of marble or granite, with stone handrails on top and a stone railing in the middle. The bottom plate below can be omitted as needed. If it is the beginning end of a staircase, there is also a larger general column. The joint is mainly connected with iron bars and specialized marble glue. As it is made of natural stone by physical processing, it has strong anti-aging ability, thick appearance and modern flavor.


快盈500个人主页This article comes from: Edge guardrail . For more content, please click: http://pashaishaji.com We will provide satisfactory service for the questions you ask. Welcome to call us!