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来源:http://pashaishaji.com/   发布时间:2024-07-13

快盈500个人主页  围挡的形式和工艺你都了解吗?

快盈500个人主页  Do you know the form and craftsmanship of the fence?

快盈500个人主页  围挡是指为了将建设施工现场与外部环境隔离开来,使施工现场成为一个相对封闭的空间所采取的措施。围挡这种一整面的墙壁是非常利于用作广告宣传的,市面上也流通着各式各样的围挡形式,它象征着该区域企业、、地产、等的印象,作用是不容忽视的。今天就来跟你聊一下,围挡的的形式和工艺!

  Fencing refers to measures taken to isolate the construction site from the external environment, making the construction site a relatively enclosed space. The enclosure, which is a complete wall, is very conducive to advertising and promotion. There are also various forms of enclosures circulating in the market, symbolizing the impression of enterprises, shopping malls, real estate, brands, etc. in the area, and its role cannot be ignored. Today I'm here to talk to you about the form and craftsmanship of fences!20221025040735677.jpg
快盈500个人主页  01围挡的高度和要求

  01 Height and requirements for fencing

快盈500个人主页  围挡的高度一般在2米以上,常见的有2米、4米、6米和8米,或更高的12米,围挡表面和张贴该项目的效果图和宣传画面相符。

快盈500个人主页  The height of the fence is generally above 2 meters, commonly including 2 meters, 4 meters, 6 meters, and 8 meters, or even 12 meters higher. The surface of the fence should match the effect picture and promotional image posted for the project.

快盈500个人主页  围挡高度在4米以下的:一般采用单立柱式,地下深挖基础1米左右。立柱采用直径140mm或189mm。

  For enclosures with a height of less than 4 meters, a single column type is generally used, with a deep excavation foundation of about 1 meter underground. The column adopts a diameter of 140mm or 189mm.

快盈500个人主页  围挡高度在4米以上的:一般采用双立柱式,地下深挖基础随高度的调整而调整。双立柱采用直径114mm-219mm不等。

  For enclosures with a height of more than 4 meters, a double column type is generally used, and the underground deep excavation foundation is adjusted according to the height. The double columns have diameters ranging from 114mm to 219mm.

快盈500个人主页  02围挡的形式和工艺

快盈500个人主页  02 Form and process of enclosure


  Spray painted cloth fence


快盈500个人主页  In general, it is recommended to prioritize this form as it is the most convenient and therefore widely used. This form is also commonly used for brand upgrades in shopping malls, as well as for fence advertisements in sports fields. A spray painted cloth fence made of materials such as spray painted cloth, steel structural components, LED strip lights, PVC sheets, etc.


快盈500个人主页  Scattered fence

快盈500个人主页  错落型围挡是常规工地围挡的一种延伸,通常采用高低错落的形式进行展示。错落型围挡对高低高差并无限制,一般根据项目定位和客群进行合理设计即可。

  Scattered fence is an extension of conventional construction site fence, usually displayed in a staggered form of high and low. There is no limit to the height difference of the staggered fence, and it is generally designed reasonably according to the project positioning and customer group.


  Stereoscopic fence

快盈500个人主页  立体围墙,即围墙运用立体构件(如雕塑品)替代平面,展示的效果较为特别,造价昂贵,是一种奢华的围墙做法。

  A three-dimensional wall, which uses three-dimensional components (such as sculptures) instead of flat surfaces, has a unique display effect and is expensive, making it a luxurious wall construction method.


  Stereoscopic luminous enclosure

快盈500个人主页  以内打灯的浮雕为主,部分是超高清喷绘,设置异形结构造型及发光立体字,夜间展示性较好,品质感较高,可用于拔高项目调性,适用于一线、强二线、省会、城市地项目。

快盈500个人主页  The relief of internal lighting is mainly used, with some parts being ultra high definition spray painted, featuring irregular structural shapes and illuminated three-dimensional characters. It has good nighttime display and high quality, and can be used to enhance project tone. It is suitable for first tier, strong second tier, provincial capital, and key city king projects.


  Window style fence

快盈500个人主页  此类围挡,采用钢结构构件,构件组装紧密牢固,外部采用PVC挡板,橱窗部分选用玻璃材质,添加不同角度的灯光照射,采用发光文字强调内容。

  This type of enclosure is made of steel structural components, which are tightly and firmly assembled. The exterior is covered with PVC baffles, and the display window is made of glass material. Different angles of lighting are added to emphasize the content with luminous text.


快盈500个人主页  Green plant fence


  A new type of enclosure that combines iron sheet fencing with potted plants. Although the cost is relatively high, the simulated green plant enclosure has a better effect and a more exquisite shape. It can enhance the appearance of construction sites and the image of the city, and achieve standardized and landscaped management of construction project enclosure settings.


快盈500个人主页  More importantly, after the construction is completed, the green plant enclosure can be removed, cleaned, and reused, which is a very environmentally friendly new type of enclosure. Therefore, it is widely chosen by many parks and squares, and has various forms.

  本文由 济南围挡 友情奉献.更多有关的知识请点击  http://pashaishaji.com   真诚的态度.为您提供为的服务.更多有关的知识我们将会陆续向大家奉献.敬请期待.

快盈500个人主页  This article is a friendly contribution from Jinan fence. For more related knowledge, please click http://pashaishaji.com Sincere attitude. We provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Please stay tuned